Important Articles News About: World Politics and International Security Issues

The whole information webiste is organized around topics hotly debated and policied in World Politics and International Security Circles. The main thrusts are (i) Ukrainian War/New Cold War, (ii) China – Asian Theatre and (iii) European Security Policies. The below list is, firstly in alphetical order relating to the publishing website (Journal, Newspaper, etc.) and then, secondly, in temporal order, from the newest ones at the top to the older ones of the concerning publishing body below:

Ukrainian War / New Cold War

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (April 7, 2022) (April 4, 2022) (March 3, 2022)

“A pragmatic turn in Geneva”, by Mariana Budjeryn, (June 17, 2021)

Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German)

“Ukraine: Wegen des Krieges breiten sich Krankheiten aus”, by Leslie Roberts (Washington D.C.) (April 4, 2002)

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